Sarah Arthur

Sarah Arthur

Sarah Faulman Arthur is a free lance writer and editor. She is author of Walking with Frodo: A Devotional Journey through The Lord of the Rings, a book for young adults based upon the characters in Tolkein’s middle-earth. She wrote Thinking Theologically about Money and Thinking Theologically about Pop Culture, and has been a contributing writer for other curriculum resources for youth. Her most recent contribution was the the 20/30 Series for Young Adults with Prayer: Living in God's Power and Presence. She speaks for youth events, church groups, libraries, and schools or home-school programs.

Sarah graduated from Wheaton College with dual majors in Literature and Christian Education. She she served as a youth director in northern Michigan for seven years before launching her writing and speaking career. She is happily married to her best friend, Tom. Her hobbies are writing poetry, reading, backpacking, sailing, and skiing.

Her website is