Michael McRay
Michael McRay works and writes in Nashville, TN. He’s the author Where the River Bends: Considering Forgiveness in the Lives of Prisoners, Letters from “Apartheid Street”: A Christian Peacemaker in Occupied Palestine, and the co-author with Tony Vick of Secrets from a Prison Cell. He founded and curates Tenx9 Nashville Storytelling, facilitates story-exchanges as a Master Practitioner with Narrative 4, and lectures on international conflict, reconciliation, and forgiveness at Lipscomb University. Michael did graduate school in Belfast where he studied conflict resolution and reconciliation. He is currently working on his next book, tentatively titled The Stories that Might Save Us, about his 2015 travels through Israel, Palestine, Northern Ireland, and South Africa, interviewing over 50 people on their stories and perspectives of reconciliation, justice, and forgiveness.