New Books for Fall 2021 to Help You Lead
Yourself and Others Well
Are you striving to usher your community into deeper spiritual maturity this year? Consider equipping yourself for the task with new wisdom and a greater understanding of yourself, others, and the God you serve with these books.
Body Connections: Body-Based Spiritual Care
By Michael S. Koppel
Make the shift to an integrated view of the human body and spiritual care.
Body Connections teaches pastors and other spiritual leaders to make the connections between their embodied experience and faithful spiritual care. Instead of reinforcing the mind body split that leads to body/self-alienation and impedes holistic relationships with God/self/others, this book treats the body as a central rather than as ancillary subject in care through engagement with the body’s narrative.
9781791013417 | $24.99
Deep Calls to Deep: The Psalms in Dialogue amid Disruption
A deep study of the Psalms.
Deep Calls to Deep demonstrates a new and generative way of reading the Bible, which looks for differences among texts to engage in dialogue over critical issues that are not only biblical but also are relevant to our contemporary crises. William Brown explores uncharted territory in the Bible with a particular focus on the Psalms, the most diverse book of the Bible.
9781501858956 | $39.99
Will You Pray with Me: A Guide for Those Who Pray in Public
By Anne Williams and Steven Langhofer
Learn to capably lead others in prayer, in any setting, on any occasion.
Will You Pray with Me is a short course, in book form, for all who lead others in prayer. The authors teach methods and techniques for writing and leading prayers in traditional church services, special services, for hospital visits, in impromptu situations, and in many other less conventional spaces and circumstances. They include multiple examples of different types of prayer, with analysis alongside the prayer texts to help the reader understand what the methods look like in ‘real life’.
9781791013431 | $18.99
God Turned Towards Us: The ABCs of Christian Faith
By Will Willimon
Reflections on the words the church uses to communicate the faith.
God Turned Toward Us: The ABCs of Christian Faith is organized by the words the church teaches us to use to talk about ordinary life apprehended by a God who is Jesus Christ–short, meditative reflections upon key concepts that guide Christians, new or longstanding. These reflections, which are accessible to all Christians, are also particularly inspiring for pastors, church leaders, and seminarians who want to communicate the faith in entertaining ways to others and who want to find fresh meaning in traditional Christian concepts.
9781791018894 | $16.99
The God of the Dangerous Sermon
By Frank A. Thomas
Learn to engage with a dangerous God, to preach the sermons your community needs today.
Frank A. Thomas culminates his exploration of the Dangerous Sermon with this book, which leads readers through the process of identifying and understanding the gods behind theology, and their connection to preaching. The reader is equipped to discern the metaphors, symbols, and rhetorical indicators which point to the god a preacher is serving and calling others to serve.
9781791020224 | $19.99