Belief Matters

United Methodisms Doctrinal Standards

Book - Paperback
Belief Matters
Paperback ISBN: 9780687090839
$13.99 Show Buy

Published March 2001

Belief matters! This book is written for two purposes. The first is to reminds us that what we believe does matter. The second is to explain the doctrinal standards of The United Methodist Church--matters of our belief.
Intended for use by both laypersons and clergy, this book describes and exposits the four official Doctrinal Standards of The United Methodist Church.
The standards will be explored in the following order: Explanatory Notes, Sermons, Articles of Religion, Confession of Faith. The book also includes a study guide, a glossary, and suggestions for further reading.

About the Author

Charles Yrigoyen

Charles Yrigoyen, Jr., a retired clergy member of the Eastern Pennsylvania Conference has been a local church pastor, college teacher and chaplain, and for twenty-four years the General Secretary of the General Commission on Archives and history. He has taught at five theological seminaries and has written or edited eight books and numerous articles.

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