Ministerio series (AETH) - Cuidado Pastoral: Ministerio con Inmigrantes
Pastoral Care - The Ministry Series
ISBN: 9781426709500
ISBN: 9781630885656
Published May 2010
La experiencia migratoria suscita un sinnúmero de situaciones complejas que presentan un reto súbito e inesperado al liderazgo pastoral. En su tarea pastoral el lÃder se enfrenta diariamente con gran número de personas que reflejan y le recuerdan su propia condición, asà como sus conflictos y dificultades, como inmigrante en muchos casos. Tal experiencia pude resultar agotadora y Âemocional y espiritualmente debilitante, debido a la identificación o sobreidentificación con las personas a quienes sirve. Este libro explora estas ideas y sus dinámicas.
The immigration experience stirs up an endless number of complex situations that present a sudden and unexpected challenge to pastoral leadership. In their Hispanic ministerial task, every day, church leaders are faced people who share their struggles and conflicts – particularly immigrants. Effectively carrying out this ministry can be exhausting and emotional and spiritually debilitating, due to the unique difficulties this ministry faces.  This book explores ideas and the dynamics of this ministry.
The immigration experience stirs up an endless number of complex situations that present a sudden and unexpected challenge to pastoral leadership. In their Hispanic ministerial task, every day, church leaders are faced people who share their struggles and conflicts – particularly immigrants. Effectively carrying out this ministry can be exhausting and emotional and spiritually debilitating, due to the unique difficulties this ministry faces.  This book explores ideas and the dynamics of this ministry.