Journey Through the Bible Volume 13: Acts of the Apostles Leader's Guide

Book - Paperback
Journey Through the Bible Volume 13: Acts of the Apostles Leader's Guide
Paperback ISBN: 9781426710292
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Published December 2000

Journey Through the Bible uses the NRSV to study the Bible book by book. Each volume

Contains 13 sessions.
Highlights pivotal points in the Scripture.
Lifts up the Bible's most significant stories, themes, events and people.
Features questions.
Describes the historical and cultural setting.
Includes the original language and what the passage meant for its first readers.
Gives insight into possible life applications for individuals, congregations and communities.
Maps out a daily personal Journey Plan for those interested in reading the whole Bible, verse by verse.

About the Author

Dr. Justo L. Gonzalez

Justo L. Gonzalez has taught at the Evangelical Seminary of Puerto Rico and Candler School of Theology, Emory University. He is the author of many books, including Church History: An Essential Guide and To All Nations From All Nations, both published by Abingdon Press.

Justo L. Gonzalez es un ampliamente leido y respetado historiador y teologo. Es el autor de numerosas obras que incluyen tres volumenes de su Historia del Pensamiento Cristiano, la coleccion de Tres Meses en la Escuela de... (Mateo... Juan... Patmos... Prision... Espiritu), Breve Historia de las Doctrinas Cristianas y El ministerio de la palabra escrita, todas publicadas por Abingdon Press.