Attendance Registration Pad Holder with Front Cover Pocket - Black (Pkg of 6)

Attendance Registration Pad Holder with Front Cover Pocket - Black (Pkg of 6)
Miscellaneous ISBN: 9781426791826
$45.99 Show Buy

Published January 2014

Capture attendance every Sunday.

It is important to keep a record of those attending worship services, and attendance registration holders help with this task. A pocket on the inside of the holder allows the church to share information for upcoming events, while the pocket on the front cover provides versatility. Change the front image with the seasons, Christian year, special occasions, or at anytime. Made of black 14-gauge pinseal vinyl over heavy chipboard, this holder includes special slots for pencils. The holder size is 9 x 6.25 folded; 9 x 12.63 flat; available in packages of 6.