Scripture and the Skeptic

Miracles, Myths, and Doubts of Biblical Proportions

Book - Paperback
Scripture and the Skeptic
Paperback ISBN: 9781791004217
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E-Book ISBN: 9781791004224
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Published February 2021

Understand the Bible by interpreting it through the lens of Jesus’s life, death, and resurrection.

The Bible is the best-selling, most widely read, and most quoted book in history. It is also misunderstood, misquoted, and fiercely debated. If, as Christians believe, the Bible is the Word of God, why is it so complex and difficult to interpret in parts, yet simple enough for even children to understand in others?

In Scripture and the Skeptic Eric Huffman, author of 40 Days of Doubt, helps readers understand and cope with confusion about the Bible and provides answers to questions by reframing it as a perfect and seamless story. Huffman illustrates how the Bible, even the parts some consider ungodly, presents the beautiful story that God intended to tell.

Through storytelling from his own experiences and his take on Bible stories, Huffman helps readers understand the Bible by interpreting the entire book through the lens of Jesus’s life, death, and resurrection. He shows how every part of the Bible is either crying out for Jesus, witnessing his incarnation, or responding in the aftermath of his resurrection.

Readers discover how to trust the Bible as God’s beautiful and perfect salvation story.
Includes questions with each chapter for personal reflection or group study.
From the author of 40 Days of Doubt: Devotions for the Skeptic.


About the Author

Eric Huffman

Eric Huffman is the founder and lead pastor of The Story Church in Houston, TX and host of the "Maybe God with Eric Huffman" podcast. He graduated from Centenary College in 2001, received his M.Div. from Saint Paul School of Theology in 2006, and was ordained as an elder by the Missouri Conference in 2011. Eric is passionate about leading new generations to know God’s transforming love through Jesus Christ. He is the author of Scripture and the Skeptic and 40 Days of Doubt: Devotions for the Skeptic and lives in Houston, Texas. Find him online at