Changing My Mind

The Overlooked Virtue for Faithful Ministry

Book - Paperback
Changing My Mind
Paperback ISBN: 9781791033880
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E-Book ISBN: 9781791033897
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Published October 2024

Yes, pastor, you can (and should) change your mind!

The context of ministry continually changes, the surrounding culture changes and a living God demands constant movement and change. So, pastors and preachers must be prepared to change! Some of the current assumptions about how to persevere in ministry need to be questioned. What ideas and approaches do we need to change in ourselves and in our ministries? And how, exactly, do we change our minds and practices when we are called to be steady, stable, and sure?

Will Willimon narrates on some of the twists and turns in his own journey as a pastor. These stories and "change-of-mind-and-ministry" points can be helpful to new pastors who are negotiating their own way into future ministry. Novice pastors can receive guidance and encouragement from hearing how a prominent pastoral leader, bishop, author, seminary professor, and well-known preacher for five decades changed, grew, and adapted in Christian ministry. Also, longtime pastors will find assurance and encouragement as they continue to grow and change, as well.

The book consists of guidance from an experienced pastoral leader to other pastoral leaders, especially new pastors. Willimon frames the material around how he changed his mind and offers crucial ways he once thought about ministry compared to how he thinks about ministry now. He depicts the pastoral vocation as requiring adaptation and revision by its practitioners. Willimon includes the words of Paul from First and Second Timothy, with an older, experienced pastor (Paul) offering advice to a young, unseasoned pastor (Timothy).

About the Author

Bishop William H. Willimon

Will Willimon is a preacher and teacher of preachers. He is a United Methodist bishop (retired) and serves as Professor of the Practice of Christian Ministry and Director of the Doctor of Ministry program at Duke Divinity School, Durham, North Carolina. For twenty years he was Dean of the Chapel at Duke University. A 1996 Baylor University study named him among the Twelve Most Effective Preachers in the English speaking world. The Pew Research Center found that Will was one of the most widely read authors among Protestant clergy in 2005. His quarterly Pulpit Resource is used by thousands of pastors throughout North America, Canada, and Australia. In 2021 he gave the prestigious Lyman Beecher Lectures on Preaching at Yale Divinity School. Those lectures became the book, Preachers Dare: Speaking for God which is the inspiration for his ninetieth book, Listeners Dare: Hearing God in the Sermon.