Wow Time
A resource full of exciting sermons to help pastors reach children effectively
Does your faith make room for questions?Everyone has doubts. Where is God when bad things happen? Does God hear our prayers? Is there a heaven? How can we know? Often we treat such questions as the enemy of faith. But uncertainty doesn’t...
Does your faith make room for questions?The six-session DVD features teaching sessions featuring Adam Hamilton. The video sessions are approximately 10-12 minutes long and, combined with the six book chapters, make an ideal six-week group...
Does your faith make room for questions?The Leader Guide contains everything needed to guide a group through the six-week study, including session plans, activities, discussion questions, and multiple format options. Everyone has doubts....
People write all the time—memos, cards, or emails, presentations for speaking, teaching, or preaching. Whether you write for personal reflection or for others, this book will deepen the creative process by finding meaning and mystery in...
Bring your world to Scripture. Bring Scripture to your world. In ink, in living color.
Why do we try to justify anything and everything we want to do?
God's favor towards some serves God's plan for the larger world.
Illuminates how the prophetic voices of the Old Testament can still speak hope to exiled and disenfranchised people