Bible Sisters

A Year of Devotions with the Women of the Bible

Book - Paperback
Bible Sisters
Paperback ISBN: 9781501834318
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E-Book ISBN: 9781501834325
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Published April 2017

365 days of Bible devotions on the named and unnamed women of the Bible.

These Bible passages, reflections, and prayers will lead women through
the Bible, from Eve to the women at the empty tomb and in the early

Bible Sisters: A Year of Devotions with the Women of the Bible
is perfect for daily personal devotions or for small group discussions
that explore women's perspectives in the Bible. This volume is also an
excellent companion resource to the CEB Women’s Bible.

About the Author

Dr. Gennifer Benjamin Brooks

Gennifer Benjamin Brooks is Ernest and Bernice Styberg Professor of Preaching and director of the Styberg Preaching Institute, Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary, Evanston, Illinois. Her Ph.D. is in liturgical studies from Drew University, and she is an elder in full connection, New York Conference, The United Methodist Church.